How to Prepare Tactfully for Mock IB Exam Practice?

How to Prepare Tactfully for Mock IB Exam Practice?

Normally, holidays are a good time to cheer, celebrate and have fun with family. However, for studious students, they can also be a time of stress and anxiety. As soon as the time for mid-term or mock tests arrives, even the talented students will take this time with...
Free Learning Lab Seats for Ukrainian Students

Free Learning Lab Seats for Ukrainian Students

As many of you know by now, we have been actively participating in assisting Ukrainian refugees and their families – either through arranging transport for Ukrainians stuck in the war zone, or collecting supplies and donations to bring to the border as well as...
Why should your child choose the IBDP?

Why should your child choose the IBDP?

For many years, the IB has been touted as an international curriculum that’s suited for families on the go/families who move internationally often. Families who prefer for their children to study in international schools also naturally, accept the IB as part of the...

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