Your parner
for achieving higher school ratings
year after year
1. TEMPERA training for teachers
We provide specific training on how to assist students with diverse learning needs
Equip your Learning Centre teachers with the tools to overcome any student challenge and drive measurable results. With our expert support, they’ll elevate performance by integrating metacognitive strategies that foster self-awareness and independent learning, while also reducing stress and enhancing emotional regulation. TEMPERA is a robust, scalable framework proven to deliver results, while promoting a healthy, supportive learning environment.
2. Empowering Your Students
We provide specific support for the most challenged students
Students with learning disabilities such as ADHD, RCD, dyslexia, and dyscalculia — or even chronic procrastinators — are driven to unlock their full potential through a complete reset of their motivation and tailored learning tools. Meanwhile, high achievers push their limits without risking burnout or emotional distress, as our expert team guides them through stress management and peak performance strategies, especially during exam periods.

Tell us about your particular situation and we will gladly work towards identifying the most convenient path, together.
Some of the learning challenges
we work with:
Dyslexia & Dyscalculia
Learning disabilities that affect a student’s ability to read and process texts, as well as to understand numbers and learn mathematical facts, respectively. They are often inter-connected.
Reading Comprehension Deficit
This manifests in difficulties understanding what the student has read or spoken language and could also impact their verbal expression abilities.
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Includes difficulties regarding maintaining focus and attention, as well as reduced impulse control and hyperactivity.
Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Results in difficulties sustaining attention, following instructions, and completing tasks. The students diagnosed with ADHD can be easily distracted, forgetful, and disorganized.
Executive Functioning Difficulties
These affect short term memory, inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility. In short, planning, organization, strategizing, attention to detail and time management and space are affected.