Free Learning Lab Seats for Ukrainian Students

by | Jun 8, 2022 | Help Ukraine

As many of you know by now, we have been actively participating in assisting Ukrainian refugees and their families – either through arranging transport for Ukrainians stuck in the war zone, or collecting supplies and donations to bring to the border as well as shelters housing refugees. It’s truly been a heartwarming experience to help and know we are making a positive change in their lives after all they’ve been through.

After all that, we have now decided that we want to support Ukrainians in the best way we know how – IB preparation and studies! As such, we have decided to open 3 slots in our Learning Lab to support Ukrainian students that are either starting their IBDP this year, or already in the midst of their IBDP. This offer is valid from now and will cover the upcoming academic year (2022/23) i.e. ending next September.

If you’re an IB student who is affected by the challenging current affairs and would like further support in either preparing or progressing with your IBDP, get in touch with us via email: and let’s see how we can help you!

Update: 1 slot is now taken and there are 2 more remaining.


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