How to Beat Anxiety In the IB

by | Feb 21, 2022 | General

If you’ve found and clicked this post, you’re probably struggling and feeling very overwhelmed by all the outstanding tasks and deadlines looming over you. And frankly, we feel you. It’s not easy to be a student these days, not to mention, an IB student! Studying in Covid times is especially hard – everything has the potential to be shifted online as and when the situation calls for it and this may bode well for some, but realistically, online resources are not for everyone.

Unlike other qualifications which mostly only have one important exam at the end of the year to prepare for, the IBDP also consists of other compulsory elements such as CAS, EE and TOK, which only adds to your stress. Gulp!

Before you start pulling out your hair, read on and try and calm yourselves down. We have some tips that will help you improve your situation and feel more in control.

1. Know the system

When you first watch a caterpillar bury itself in a cocoon and stop moving, do you freak out watching it change? No! Because you know the life cycle well and you know it’s about to become a butterfly. Knowledge of the system is crucial in giving you peace of mind. By familiarizing yourself with the prerequisites of the IB system, you can then plan and work in a systematic way towards your ideal IB score! Read the guidelines and requirements several times and make sure you’re well aware of everything you need.

2. Write a checklist

Write a check list of all the deadlines/outstanding tasks you have to complete, and organize them chronologically. Again, make sure you really pore through your requirements so nothing is left out. (*cough* if you’re not sure you’ve got everything, our team is happy to run through everything with you and make sure you’ve not missed any deadlines!).

For some items that don’t have a specific deadline e.g. CAS, it might also be an idea to make sure you prioritize and complete them first if you know they need physical participation and are harder to accomplish online (Thanks a lot, Covid!)

3.  Equip yourself with emotional support and healthy conflict resolution methods

Often, deadlines and requirements can cause lots of tension and misunderstandings within the family. Even something as small as your mum asking when your IA needs to be submitted, can trigger a huge reaction if you’re already stressed about it. No one is specifically in the wrong here – on one hand, she’s concerned about your assessments and on the other, you are also just trying to stay on top of your tasks. However, the situation as it is, just creates room for unhealthy conflicts to occur and this inevitably leads to a tense environment for everyone.

Try and see things from another perspective and give each other adequate space. If necessary, find a professional that can help diffuse these conflicts. Our team consists of professionals within the IB field that are also specialized in the field of psychotherapy. If it’s really getting to be a huge source of conflict, write to us and let’s see what we can do. More often than not, families will observe a positive change through improving on their communication skills, tapping on additional emotional support from our team and using the intervention strategies we provide.

Think of your IB journey like climbing a mountain. From the bottom, it may seem impossibly high and fraught with challenges. However, with the right tools and setting realistic goals, you will find (even during the process of climbing) that it’s not as high as you seem, and you are getting closer to your goal without even realizing it. Feel free to drop us an email if you feel like you need additional emotional support in realizing your IB goals – we would love to be a part of your journey and help you reach the top of that mountain!


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