How Can We Help Ukraine?

by | Apr 15, 2022 | General

News about Ukraine and the war inflicted by Russia’s invasion have really hit us hard in the last couple of weeks. Here at Tempera Institute, we have been working with Sigmund Freud University to help the incoming refugees as much as we can and it’s been heartwarming to see the way people have banded together to support them.

Here are some ways you can help the Ukrainian refugees:

1. Physical Assistance

If you know Russian or Ukrainian, you’re a star! We need loads of interpreters that can help to guide the Ukrainians that can’t speak English or German. If you don’t, Train of Hope is also looking for helpers in terms of accepting donations, collecting clothes, kitchen support and many more. Use the where2help platform to sign up for shifts at

Alternatively, you can also sign up via our Google Form and we will contact you when your help is needed!

2. Financial Assistance

Financial support in Austria is more beneficial than transferring funds to the Ukrainian organizations directly as many goods are no longer available in Ukraine. As such, the Ukrainian Church of St Barbara is collecting funds via bank transfer for humanitarian aid and refugees. If you can spare some funds, their bank account details are as follows:

IBAN: AT06 6000 0000 0731 1709
Recepient: Griech.-kath.Zentralpfarramt
Purpose: Donation to humanitarian aid for Ukraine

Besides the Ukrainian Church of St Barbara, the Organization of Ukrainian Youth of Austria is also collecting funds to buy CELOX – a medicine that stops bleeding.

IBAN: AT19 2011 1823 5370 5400
Recepient: Gesellschaft ukrainischer Jugend in Österreich
Purpose: Humanitarian aid for Ukraine

With the funds collected, the respective organizations will be able to buy supplies where necessary and arrange transportation to Ukraine.

3. Transportation Assistance

If you drive to Hungary or bordering countries frequently to visit family, why not sign up to be a driver and help transport some refugees on your way back to Austria? This works both ways of course – you can also help transport some refugees from Austria onward to bordering countries where they have family. If you would like to sign up as a driver, you can fill out this Google Form here and we will be in touch when necessary!

4. Housing Assistance

Do you have a spare room or a spare sofa? It doesn’t necessarily have to be long-term accommodation – many Ukrainians are grateful to have a rest stop where they can have a hot shower, do some laundry and have a peaceful night’s sleep before they continue with their journey. If you have a spare room or sofa available, many of them would be thankful for whatever you can offer – even if it’s just a night or two.

If you are already an Airbnb host, it’s even easier! Offer your place at a discount or for free and people can book it directly from the Airbnb platform.

More information about Airbnb’s initiative can be found here:

5. Like & Share

There are many posts on Facebook where people/organizations are searching for help, furniture, schooling advice, clothes, baby necessities… it takes nothing to share a post and you never know who in your network would be able to help out – never underestimate the power of a community!

Just remember the word TEAM – together, everyone achieves more! We’ve got this!


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